Image Diffusion Analysis

How many unique original images?

(hint: use 'Image Id Str')

How many unique original tweet users?

How many times did image (592674938273865700) get retweeted?

(the answer should be 10. see if you can compute it)

Which image has the most number of retweets?

(hint: use 'Image Id Str')

How many original tweets were there on 4/26/15?

Among these original tweets on 4/26/15, what is the most number of times one was retweeted?

Among these original tweets on 4/26/15, what is the average number of times one was retweeted?

Among these original tweets on 4/26/15, how many of them got retweeted within one hour?

Among these original tweets on 4/26/15, what are the ten most retweeted?

Among these ten most retweeted, how many of them contain images of people?

(hint: you will need to look at the photos yourself)