Hackathon - Twitter Events

You are tasked to watch the tweet stream to analyze what’s being said about Russia.


Design and implement a set of event detection functions in team.html. Each function takes an array of tweet objects as the input argument and performs some logic to decide whether certain interesting event has occurred. For instance. the function below triggers an event on every five tweets observed.

function has_observed_five_tweets(tweets){
  if (tweets.length % 5 == 0) {
    emit_event('has observed ' + tweets.length + ' tweets')



A server process is tracking the Twitter stream using the keyword Russia. Every time it receives a new tweet, it writes the tweet to the following Firebase data location:


The server code is already done.


Meanwhile, each client in the browser (i.e., team.html) subscribes to the value event at the same Firebase data location, using the code below.

  .on('value', function(snapshot){
    // this function is invoked each time there's update on the value
    var tweet = snapshot.val()

Whenever there’s a change to this value, the callback function is invoked. Then, update() calls a series of event detection functions. If a specific event is detected, the event is pushed to the firebase at the location


The code that achieves this is:


Your Task

Your task is to work on is team.html.

First, change TEAM_ID to match your team’s name so that your team can be uniquely identified.

As warmup, implement the detector function

function has_observed_two_tweets_in_a_row_about_the_crash(){
  // TODO

Then, as a team, come up with your own events and write detector functions for them.

All Teams

all.html is a client page that monitors the events submitted by all teams. Use this page to look at whether your team’s events are posted correctly, and also what other teams are up to in real-time.



The team members who contributed to this hackathon are:


Each person must implement at least ONE detector function. It must be meaningful.


Our team came up with the following interesting events:

  1. Has observed …. ? contributed by (Name)

    (one sentence justification why this event is interesting)

  2. Has observed …. ? contributed by (Name)

    (one sentence justification why this event is interesting)

  3. Has observed …. ? contributed by (Name)

    (one sentence justification why this event is interesting)

(add more until you hit N where N is the number of people on your team)