Hackathon - Business Locations

You are approached by a business developer to get advice on where to build a new store in Phoenix, AZ. There are currently six candidates. Use the Yelp dataset and come up with your own scoring scheme to identify the best location to recommend.


Read the Report

Business Types

As a team, choose one of the following business types to work on:

Scoring Method

For this hackathon, you will use a scoring method that is based on a series of 20 Yes/No questions that can be applied to each candidate location. The candidate location that has the most number of Yes’s is the most viable location.

Each Yes/No question generally should take on the form of

Does the location have X nearby?

where X is a feature that you think would be useful for the business to be viable.

Two examples of such questions are:

  1. Does the location have at least one McDonald’s within one mile?
  2. Does the location have at least ten businesses with 100 or more reviews within one mile?


Implement scoring functions and visualize how these candidate locations are scored. The skeleton code is provided for you in report.html.


Each person must implement at least two questions to receive credits for this hackathon.


Business Type

Our team chose to analyze candidate locations for (fill in the business type).


The team members who contributed to this hackathon are:

20 Questions

Our team came up with the following relevant questions:

  1. Does the location have ….. ? contributed by (Name)

    (one sentence justification why this question is important)

  2. Does the location have ….. ? contributed by (Name)

    (one sentence justification why this question is important)

  3. Does the location have ….. ? contributed by (Name)

    (one sentence justification why this question is important)

(add more until you hit 20)


Our team collectively has implemented (N) scoring functions. Based on the scores, our team recommends location (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 from west to east), because it receives (m) out of (N) possible scores.