Hackathon - Bitcoin Trading

Your mission is to build an automatic trading bot to buy and sell Bitcoins to maximize returns in a market. Your initial investment is $100,000.


Suppose a hypothetical market for trading bitcoins is governed by the following principles:



Your job is to implement the logic of this trading bot. This bot will observe the twitter stream and identify relevant keywords to make trading decision. There is only one decision to make—to trade or not to trade.

Implement the function below in bot.js.

function decideWhetherOrNotToTrade(){
  return Math.random() < 0.1

The default logic of this function is to randomly decide to trade every one out of ten times. Replace the code with a more reasonable logic. You do know what keywords are influential. But you don’t know which are positive and which are negative. Your challenge is to guess or estimate them.

History Data


A history of about 10000 tweets and prices is provided for testing purposes. While you are developing the code for your bot, you can test its performance against this history data to see how much profit it wold have generated.

Live Data


Whenever you are ready, you can test your bot on the live streaming data.


At the end of the hackathon, we will organize an informal contest to see whose bot is able to make the most profits on live data.


The team members who contributed to this hackathon are: